Please look at the answers after posting a question. I have already answered
to your question yesterday:

> Hi,

>You just have to declare a context like this:
>        <Context path="" docBase="/path/to/myapp" debug="0"
reloadable="false" >
>        </Context>
>in your TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml. You should also remove the ROOT
context and the ROOT directory that is in the webapp
>Anyway, in real world, I mean in production environment, you should remove
all the contexts that don't deal with your app,
>and all the subdirectory within the /webapp.


> Hello,
> since several weeks I am testing tomcat as a Servlet Engine with great
> success. I use Win98 SE2 with PWS.
> Now I have a simple problem (I think):
> What I have to do (in the configuration files) when I want to start my
> servlets with the URL:
> http://localhost/servlet/TestServlet
> and not with a WEPAPP-Directory like
> http://localhost/example/servlet/TestServlet
> Which settings I have to do in the configuration-files and in which
> directory I have to put my Servlets ?
> Thanks a lot for your answer
> With best regards
> M. Thorand
> TOPO graphics
> Geographische Informationssysteme GmbH

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