> What I have to do (in the configuration files) when I want to start my
> servlets with the URL:
> http://localhost/servlet/TestServlet
> and not with a WEPAPP-Directory like
> http://localhost/example/servlet/TestServlet
> Which settings I have to do in the configuration-files and in which
> directory I have to put my Servlets ?
> >You just have to declare a context like this:
> >        <Context path="" docBase="/path/to/myapp" debug="0"
> reloadable="false" >
> >        </Context>

I don't think this is necessarily correct in all circumstances.

Try as I might I can't get any of the automatically generated files to reflect that I 
want to access my servlets at
rather than at /webapp/servlet/servletalias

I did succeed in making this work with tomcat and apache by editing my tomcat.conf 
file as follows:

Alias /webApp "C:/ApacheGroup/Tomcat/webapps/webApp "
<Directory "C:/ApacheGroup/Tomcat/webapps/webApp ">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
ApJServMount /webApp /webApp

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