
I have been having problems with the display of images (and application
of CSS's) in forms ever since I have starting using Tomcat + Apache
configuration.  The images/resources displayed perfectly with JServ +
Apache combination.

I am using Java servlets.

I create HTML forms using XSL stylesheets and XML and Xalan/Xerces

Originally when I switched from JServ to Tomcat, the images would not
show up at all.  Then I added some .flush() and .close() methods to the
OutputSreams/PrintWriters and that helped some - the images started
showing up.  However, they don't show up consistently.  If I refresh the
form, containing say two images and a CSS, that formats the title's
font, one image may be missing, or both images, or CSS may not get
applied.  You never know.  On rare occasions, they all show up.

This problem happens only on IE 5.5 and Netscape 4.7, but does not
happen on Netscape 6.0.

Any ideas?

Exact product versions:
Apache 1.3.12 (or 1.3.14, does not work on either)
Tomcat 3.2.1
Xalan-J 1.2.2
Xerces-J 1.2.2

More notes:
* Could it be a cashing problem?  The caching in HTTP response is now
set to "no-cache"
* The method that goes to get an image uses ContentType of
"application/octet-stream".  Could this cause some trouble? (I've tested
it with "image/gif" content type for a form that used a GIF, and that
did not help)

Thank you for your time.


... Natasa ...

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