
if you get your html sources and put them in your xml directories, is it
working ?
so you will see if it's a path's problem or not. the directorie under
webapps is your root directorie.

Natasa Lazetic wrote:
> Hello!
> I have been having problems with the display of images (and application
> of CSS's) in forms ever since I have starting using Tomcat + Apache
> configuration.  The images/resources displayed perfectly with JServ +
> Apache combination.
> I am using Java servlets.
> I create HTML forms using XSL stylesheets and XML and Xalan/Xerces
> combination.
> Originally when I switched from JServ to Tomcat, the images would not
> show up at all.  Then I added some .flush() and .close() methods to the
> OutputSreams/PrintWriters and that helped some - the images started
> showing up.  However, they don't show up consistently.  If I refresh the
> form, containing say two images and a CSS, that formats the title's
> font, one image may be missing, or both images, or CSS may not get
> applied.  You never know.  On rare occasions, they all show up.
> This problem happens only on IE 5.5 and Netscape 4.7, but does not
> happen on Netscape 6.0.
> Any ideas?
> Exact product versions:
> Apache 1.3.12 (or 1.3.14, does not work on either)
> Tomcat 3.2.1
> Xalan-J 1.2.2
> Xerces-J 1.2.2
> More notes:
> * Could it be a cashing problem?  The caching in HTTP response is now
> set to "no-cache"
> * The method that goes to get an image uses ContentType of
> "application/octet-stream".  Could this cause some trouble? (I've tested
> it with "image/gif" content type for a form that used a GIF, and that
> did not help)
> Thank you for your time.
> Cheers,
> ... Natasa ...
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fn:pascal avrilla

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