I got error like this when starting apache :
[Mon Apr 16 18:17:25 2001] [emerg] (25)Inappropriate ioctl for device: Error
while opening the workers

when configuring tomcat-3.2.1 with mod_jk

 my httpd.conf :
<VirtualHost 202.xx.xx.x>
   ServerName www.domain.com
   ServerAlias domain.com
   DocumentRoot /home/someone/web/app

<Directory      "/home/someone/web/app">

    Options ExecCGI Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo Indexes Limit Options
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all


        <IfModule mod_jk.c>
          JkWorkersFile /opt/tomcat/conf/workers.properties
          JkLogFile /opt/tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log

          # Log level to be used by mod_jk
          JkLogLevel error

          JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
          JkMount /servlet/* ajp13


where tomcat will find workers.properties if I don't state it explicit in
httpd.conf ?

in my server.xml,..there is already apj12 connector :

<Connector className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector">
nnector className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector">
            <Parameter name="handler"
            <Parameter name="port" value="8007"/>

what about if i use Ajp13,..could I change directly that setting to
Ajp13ConnectionHandler like this :
Parameter name="handler"
            <Parameter name="port" value="8007"/>

Thanks in advance

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