I am not doing the flushBuffer(). But apart from that, that is what I am
doing. Will the flushBuffer() prevent the browser from doing its subsequent
request. We are using IE5.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Fernández [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23 May 2001 16:34
Subject: Re: Multiple requests

So, just to clarify:

The request arrives, Tomcat processes it and sends it to your servlet.
You do:
        // commits the response
and, while your servlet thinks what it must send next, the browser
resends the response.

Is this the case? What browser is it? Mine (Netscape Communicator 4.7)
does not.

Un saludo,


David Oxley wrote:
> This isn't the problem. Tomcat is calling my servlet, but because the
> machine is so busy it is taking a long time to construct the response, and
> hence the request is resubmitted before it has sent back the response. I
> need a way to tell the browser that the server has received the request
> that a response will be along shortly. Is this what the SC_CONTINUE header
> does, or is there another header I can send.
> Thanks.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alex Fernndez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 23 May 2001 14:50
> Subject: Re: Multiple requests
> Hi David!
> You can commit the response, and then the request will not be
> resubmitted. But it's difficult, since the problem was that Tomcat is
> not honoring the requests, to begin with.
> In iPlanet, you can tell how many requests can be queued; it would be
> interesting to know whether you can do the same in Tomcat. I know how to
> configure a thread pool, but not queue size!
> Un saludo,
> Alex.
> David Oxley wrote:
> >
> > I have been load testing our servlet and under high load requests start
> > take a long time (30secs ish). When a request takes this long a browser
> > resubmits the request automatically. Is there a status I can send to the
> > browser to say that the server is actually doing something and therefore
> > stop duplicate requests coming through, or do I need to do some
> synchronise
> > code on the session (which seems a little dodgy to me).
> >
> > Thanks.
> > Dave.

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