I am running tomcat 3.2.1 standalone on windows 2k professional  using the
sun jdk 1.3.1.

I use the Servlet.log(string) method to output diagnostics but do not see it
appear in 
the logs

logs/jasper.log contains

2001-06-06 11:28:32 - Scratch dir for the JSP engine is:
2001-06-06 11:28:32 - IMPORTANT: Do not modify the generated servlets

and servlet.log contains
2001-06-06 11:28:32 - path="/bobo" :jsp: init
2001-06-06 11:28:32 - path="/admin" :jsp: init
2001-06-06 11:28:32 - path="/ClrCmrc" :jsp: init
2001-06-06 11:28:32 - path="/ClrCmrcPmtPrc" :jsp: init
2001-06-06 11:28:32 - path="" :jsp: init
2001-06-06 11:28:36 - path="/ClrCmrcPmtPrc" :xsl: init
2001-06-06 11:28:38 - path="/ClrCmrcPmtPrc" :xsl2: init

The servlet executes successfully but there are dozens of calls to log(str)
none of which appear in the logs. Is there a configuration step I am

Thanks in advance for any help. 

Jeff Gaer
ClearCommerce Corp. 

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