Make sure you have:

    <Logger name="tc_log" 
            customOutput="yes" />

    <Logger name="servlet_log" 
            customOutput="yes" />

    <Logger name="JASPER_LOG" 
            verbosityLevel = "INFORMATION" />^

in your server.xml.  

I know the output goes to either servlet_log or tc_log, and make a call to 

     this.getServletContext().log(msg, e);

This worked for me.


  "If Al Gore invented the Internet, then I invented spellcheck!"
      Dan Quayle, quoted at the National Press Club, 8/3/1999 
                          [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Recovery  :         PCS:  316-371-FOAD 

On Wed, 6 Jun 2001, Jeff Gaer wrote:

> I am running tomcat 3.2.1 standalone on windows 2k professional  using the
> sun jdk 1.3.1.
> I use the Servlet.log(string) method to output diagnostics but do not see it
> appear in 
> the logs
> logs/jasper.log contains
> 2001-06-06 11:28:32 - Scratch dir for the JSP engine is:
> C:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1\work\localhost_8080%2Fbobo
> 2001-06-06 11:28:32 - IMPORTANT: Do not modify the generated servlets
> and servlet.log contains
> 2001-06-06 11:28:32 - path="/bobo" :jsp: init
> 2001-06-06 11:28:32 - path="/admin" :jsp: init
> 2001-06-06 11:28:32 - path="/ClrCmrc" :jsp: init
> 2001-06-06 11:28:32 - path="/ClrCmrcPmtPrc" :jsp: init
> 2001-06-06 11:28:32 - path="" :jsp: init
> 2001-06-06 11:28:36 - path="/ClrCmrcPmtPrc" :xsl: init
> 2001-06-06 11:28:38 - path="/ClrCmrcPmtPrc" :xsl2: init
> The servlet executes successfully but there are dozens of calls to log(str)
> none of which appear in the logs. Is there a configuration step I am
> missing? 
> Thanks in advance for any help. 
> Jeff Gaer
> ClearCommerce Corp. 

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