
getAttribute returns a java.lang.Object so you have to cast it to
java.sql.Connection. You will also need to import java.sql.

<%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
<% Connection Conn =
(Connection)getServletContext().getAttribute("dbConnection"); %>

Make sure dbConnection isn't null when you set the attribute, cause that
would be
another problem.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Dienstag, 26. Juni 2001 21:06
Subject: getServletContext()

Hi, I have a problem I have been trying to solve for a very long time. I
first have a initialization servlet set by <load_on_startup> tag. In this
servlet I create a database connection and pass it to the ServletContext


Now the problem is how do I retrieve it from a jsp page. From by research,
reading through books it shows how to get an attribute using : jsp:useBean
action. However this is done if Beans/Objects are put into the setAttribute.
In my case it is a database connection object. How do I retrieve this from a
jsp page???
I tried (in a jsp page);
<% Connection connection = getServletContext().getAttribute("dbConnection");
but this returns a null. Connection never gets set..
If someone can help me please......

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