
I have a random solaris mod_jk.so at http://users.aber.ac.uk/tomcat/

you can try that.

If u get one built (build instructions also above...somewhere!) then gimme an 
e-mail with mod_jk.so and platform details (ie tomcat/apache/solaris ver and 


On Thursday 12 July 2001 12:40, you wrote:
> Good morning all -
> I am attempting to setup and configure Tomcat 3.2.2. to use with Apache
> 1.3.x  on a Solaris 2.6 machine.
> I have Apache in and running.  I have Tomcat installed and handling
> requests on port 8080.
> I now need to set things up so that Apache will hand off requests for
> jsp to tomcat and I am assuming that for that I need to setup mod_jk (or
> is that mod_jk.so)
> Now in my jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2-src/src/native/apache1.3  dorectory I
> have:
> Makefile.freebsd  Makefile.linux    Makefile.nw       mod_jk.c
> mod_jk.dsp
> I don't see one for Solaris.  I went tp the web and downloaded a
> mod_jk.so and tried that, but upon inspection the source file was full
> of garbage and was useless.
> I am so close I can taste it.  any suggestions?
> Paul
> "This document may contain confidential information, as well as
> proprietary information, of ICICI Infotech, Inc.  Your company and its
> employees agree to keep the material in this document confidential and
> any violation of this paragraph is strictly prohibited."
>  <<Paul V. Lombardo (Business Fax).vcf>>

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