
AFAIK (memory lapses are usual!)

WARP is for apache 2.0
mod_webapp is for 1.3.x

Install instructions are in server.xml. You'll need to do something special 
to apache, it is detailed in server.xml

I'm having this trouble too, and I need to write a chapter on the damned 


Adam Fowler 
Help Desk Live Project 
Information Services 
University of Wales, Aberystwyth 
Web guy+author on the TomcatBook Project 

On Wednesday 18 July 2001 19:41, you wrote:
> Help!  I didn't get any response to my first query, and am running into
> a solid wall, so I'll try again...
> Is ANYBODY successfully using Tomcat 4.0b5 with Apache and mod_webapps??
> If so, can you send me your httpd.conf and server.xml (and anything else
> that might be useful) ??  I'd be happy just to get the examples working
> through Apache!!
> We can't get JSP's to work thorough a Warp connector to Apache.  They work
> fine through port 8080 and Catalina's built-in web server, but not through
> Apache.
> I can't find any online help for getting mod_webapps to work,
> other than comments in the code.  The first sections of the Tomcat 4.x
> documentation on Installation are BLANK.
> By hook or by crook, we have gotten Apache and Tomcat running with
> mod_webapps and are able to serve static content through the Tomcat default
> servlet, but JSP's DON'T WORK!!
> When a browser requests a JSP page, the java source is built and compiled
> (the files built are identical to those built when the page is requested
> through port 8080) - but Apache hands nothing back to the web browser -
> Netscape displays a
>     "Document contains no data"
> dialog.
> Any help or ideas would be appreciated.  Apache and Tomcat log files show
> no error messages or  unusual content.
> Thanks,
> Mark
> --
> Mark Dzmura
> Digital Mission LLC

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