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 - Alex

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++ JavaServer Pages (JSP) FAQ: http://www.jguru.com/faq/JSP

My app is in Japanese, and I'm running Tomcat 3.2 and JDK 1.3.1.  I am including a 
header on a main page using the <tt><font size=3>&lt;%@ include file %&gt</font></tt> 
directive.  At the top of the main page, I first specify the JSP page directive (to 
set this JSP translation's content type and character set), then include the header 

<tt><font size=3><pre>
&lt;%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=shift_jis"%&gt;
&lt;%@ include file="header.jsp" %&gt;

The content from the main file renders correctly in the browser as shift-jis 
characters, but the content in the header is the kind of "?z?[???R???" junk that 
anyone who has wrestled with non-Latin1 is most likely familiar with. (Cultural 
sidenote- the Japanese call that "moji-bake" or "letter ghost").<p>

Anyway, since you can only specify the contentType property once per page translation 
(Tomcat throws an error if you try), how can I tell Tomcat that my included page is in 
shift_jis too?<p>

I found a Sun document in which the following was written:<p>
<i>The page directive applies to an entire JSP file and any static files it includes 
with the Include Directive or <tt><font size=3>&lt;jsp:include&gt;</font></tt>, which 
together are called a translation unit.</i><p>

So, is this a Tomcat bug?

>From what I know, I should put the path of properties file
in the Classpath. While I am developing a web application, I want to host multiple 
sites in one machine. So how can I use two different properties file? If I specify 
them in the Classpath, then the first one will be used according to order of the 
Classpath since both properties files have the same filename.

I have an application which use a shared library libjchli.so, I have LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
set to the right dirctory and it works fine. When I tried to convert it to JSP, I got 
an error message: <br>java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jchli in 
java.library.path<br> Apparently libjchli.so is not loaded. Where should the library 
file be located?

We have a large JSP from which users are taken to diffent screens and based on the 
values entered there , the fields in this main jsp are updated.
Now, we are reloading the entire jsp each time whenever the control comes back.
Instead of this is it possible to reload just that part of the jsp which has changed 
and read other parts from the cache?

What procedure must be followed to read and write encrypted cookies to the browser. 
What's the role of encoding in this ?

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