> I don't use any installshield version, I use the nullsoft (who doesn't
> know WinAmp?) install version from the jakarta website.

Well... I am just assuming it is installshield but I could be wrong -
the file is called jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1.exe and I downloaded it from the
Jakarta website.

> >I have tried both the IBM JDK v1.3, and the Sun JDK (enterprise edition)
> >v1.3, and neither of these JDKs can be found by the Tomcat
> >Installshield. In both cases the error message is:
> >
> >"Couldn't find a Java Development Kit installed on this computer. Please
> >download one from http://java.sun.com";
> No problem here on two development machines since 4.0 betas. Have you been
> tested JAVA_HOME and/or CLASSPATH?

All I have been doing is installing a default JDK, then running the
Tomcat install. In our previous testing we found that setting
environment variables was a waste of time - nothing we did made any

When we did it the hard way (ie install the zip file and fiddle with a
tonne of ugly batch files) everything worked - but our application needs
to be easy to install. Telling clients they need an entire day to
install something is not a solution for us - we need the installer-based
version to work.

Is there is a single person out there who can say that
jakarta-tomcat.4.0.1.exe has worked on Windows XP and a v1.3 JDK of any
kind? If so - what was the exact procedure you used?

Does anyone know what registry key the installer is looking for? Perhaps
we can set up this key manually as a workaround...?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]                "There's a moon
                                        over Bourbon Street

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