Do you know if a request might be accessing the JSP page while
another request is trying to compile the updated version?
Also, I assume if it is "not found" through Apache, it is also
"not found" accessing Tomcat directly?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Bank [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 1:56 PM
> Subject: Tomcat intermittent failures
> Good morning, afternoon, evening, or whichever local 
> timeperiod you are
> currently experiencing. I've just joined the list, seeking help on a
> rather perplexing Tomcat problem we've been having. All 
> assistance will
> be greatly appreciated.
> Our environment
> Windows 2000 Server (sorry) with SP2 (we're moving to Linux, I
> promise!)
> Apache v1.3.23
> Tomcat v3.3a (running as a NT service)
> Sun JDK 1.3.1_02
> Our problem
> Occasionally, especially after editing a JSP file or files, 
> Tomcat will
> suddenly fail to find the .java and .class files that go with a
> particular JSP. Looking in the "work" directory reveals that the files
> exist, but when we attempt to access that particular JSP thru 
> Apache, we
> get 404 - File Not Found. 
> We have had some success in causing this problem to go away 
> by shutting
> down the Apache and Tomcat services, deleting the appropriate 
> .java and
> .class (and .ver) files, restarting the Tomcat and Apache 
> services, and
> hitting Reload on the browser. Sometimes (about 50% of the 
> time) when we
> do this, Tomcat suddenly "finds" the files and the JSP runs, new .java
> and .class files are created, and we get the proper output. The
> remaining 50% of the time, it falls to one of two 
> happenstances. Either
> (30%) we do the shutdown-services-and-delete routine followed by a
> reboot and the problem goes away, or (20%) we keep retrying 
> on different
> clients until the problem suddenly vanishes.
> This problem is intermittent. Sometimes we'll get it with FOO.JSP but
> not BAR.JSP. We'll then take a corrective action (described above) and
> suddenly we'll get it with BAR.JSP but not FOO.JSP. Both JSP files are
> very similar, and there's nothing exotic about our coding. 
> Sometimes the
> problem goes away with some waiting.
> This happens with both IE and Netscape clients, and with clients on
> different networks and behind different firewall/proxy 
> situations, so we
> don't think that firewall, proxy or other network architecture issues
> are contributing factors. This happens to clients on the same 
> LAN as the
> servers.
> Needless to say, we're quite perplexed, and don't understand what is
> going wrong. If anyone has any suggestions or recommendations, please
> respond.
> David Bank
> NC CATS Project Manager
> Accountability Services - Testing
> NC Department of Public Instruction
> 301  Wilmington Street
> Raleigh, NC  27601
> 919-807-3796
> --
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