Is there a definitive guide to installing mod_jk on Windows? I'm kind of
confused, because the documentation speaks about the Coyote JK 2 Connector,
and if I look at the distribution at
.0-b8/ I only see JARs, no Apache modules. Searching for mod_jk in the
Apache modules doesn't bring any results. Searching for mod_jk with Google
brings me to (is this
still valid?) and from there to
However, I can't bring all the pieces of this puzzle together...


-----Original Message-----
From: Jacob Kjome [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Mittwoch, 1. Mai 2002 15:23
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Getting to work Apache and Tomcat on Win2000

Yes, everyone has experience problems with mod_webapp on windows.  My 
suggestion is don't use it at all.  Use mod_jk until mod_webapp becomes 
more stable.


At 02:28 PM 5/1/2002 +0200, you wrote:
>Having installed Tomcat 4.0.4-b2 successfully on my Windows 2000 together
>with the Java Standard Tag Library and the Jakarta String Tag Library, I
>went on to install Apache 1.3.24 as well.
>Here the troubles started...
>I installed the webapp_module according to the instructions and added a
>connection to Tomcat with the following lines in Apache's httpd.conf:
># The connection to Tomcat
>WebAppConnection tomcat  warp  localhost:8008
># The examples for JSP
>WebAppDeploy     examples  tomcat  /examples
># The examples for JSTL
>WebAppDeploy     standard-doc.war  tomcat  /standard-doc
>WebAppDeploy     standard-examples.war  tomcat  /standard-examples
># The examples for the String Tag Library
>WebAppDeploy     string-doc.war  tomcat  /string-doc
>WebAppDeploy     string-examples.war  tomcat  /string-examples
>While everything works as long as I connect to Tomcat directly with
>http://localhost:8080/ (e.g. using http://localhost:8080/standard-doc/), as
>soon as I used Apache, the whole system becomes very unstable. I might get
>away with using one or two .war files, but then Apache crashes.
>Has anyone experienced the same problems?
>Thank & best regards,
>swissinfo/Swiss Radio International
>Eric Lewis
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