I've installed Tomcat 4.0.3 and Apache 1.3.24 in two different boxes with

Jsp and static objects are in the same directory. I want Apache to serve
static objects and Tomcat to serve jsps and other java classes. When there's
no Alias command in the httpd.conf file, jsps work fine, but with the Alias
enabled, the browser shows jsps as a static page. Is there a workaround or
do I have to separate jsps and static objects in different directories?


Pablo Schor

httpd.conf :

JkWorkersFile C:/Apache/conf/workers.properties
JkLogFile C:/Apache/logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel warn

Alias /webdav "J:/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3/webapps/webdav"
<Directory "J:/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3/webapps/webdav">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    DirectoryIndex index.jsp index.html index.htmn

# Deny direct access to WEB-INF and META-INF
<Location "/webdav/WEB-INF/*">
    AllowOverride None
    deny from all

<Location "/webdav/META-INF/*">
    AllowOverride None
    deny from all

JkMount /webdav/servlet  ajp13
JkMount /webdav/servlet/*  ajp13
JkMount /webdav/*.jsp ajp13

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