On Monday 15 July 2002 13:22, you wrote:
> On Mon, 2002-07-15 at 13:59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I am afraid it is not as as much easy as you think...
> >
> > 1) Will your customer agree to run these applications on their computer?
> > 2) What if they are not using a PC (Mac?) or if they are not using
> > Windows (Linux?)?

There is a project (I forget its name) which is building a version of Linux
designed to run on a CD.  Thus you do not have to make any assumptions about
what is on the PC.  You can lock this version down so that it does not even
look at their disk, and provided you use the VESA framebuffer you are more
or less guaranteed to get it to run on the screen.

I am sure that this would provide you a very good platform for such an

> Who cares.. If they order it, they have to..
> > 3) To run JSP you need a JDK, not a JRE.
> Wrong here.. Just if you want your jsp's to be dynamic.. Just precompile
> them..
> > 4) If you copy JDK, Tomcat & MySQL files on the CD, will it work?
> >    In order to run they need :
> >    - DLLs in Windows system directories;
> >    - keys in Windows registry;
> >    - write access to some of their files...
> Use hsqldb instead which has a memory database..
> > 5) What about AUTOEXEC.BAT?
> >    It will do nothing if you put it on a CD : it needs to be in C:\, and
> > there is already one there...
> ??
> > 6) What if your customers have problems running your CD?
> >    Will you create a hotline ;-) ?
> Not your problem I guess ;).. He was asking HOW not a project plan of
> things to resolve before hand..
> TIP: Search the archives (maybe a year ago or something) there was a big
> thread about it, which actually worked towards a solution.
> Mvgr,
> Martin

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