On Mon, 12 Aug 2002 17:38:57 -0700 (PDT), "Craig R. McClanahan"
> this should work:
>     jar:file:d:\Projects/<myapp>/crossbar.war!/

I tried
WAR URL: "jar:file:C:\Projects/Crossbar/dist/crossbar.war!/" and got
Message: FAIL - Encountered exception java.net.MalformedURLException:
no protocol
and tried
WAR URL: "file:C:\Projects/Crossbar/dist/crossbar.war!/" and got
Message: FAIL - Encountered exception java.net.MalformedURLException:
no protocol:  
and tried
WAR URL: "C:\Projects/Crossbar/dist/crossbar.war!/" 
Message: FAIL - Invalid application URL
C:\Projects/Crossbar/dist/crossbar.war!/ was specified

When I use the "ant install" target I see (in my Tomcat log file):
"Manager: install: Installing web application at '/crossbar' from
but variations on that don't work either.

The docs at
say "The supported syntax for a URL referring to a WAR file is
described on the Javadocs page for the java.net.JarURLConnection class"
but the javadoc only gives examples for "http" not "file" protocol.

> Is there a reason you're creating a WAR instead of just deploying a
> directory directly (like the example build.xml file does)?

I want to give simple instructions for a user to download and deploy my
app, like:
"Download the war file. Use the TC W.A.M. to install the war file from
your downloads directory."

(I can go back to saying "copy the war file to <tomcat>/webapps and
restart TC" but I still want to know how I'm supposed to use the TC

> > Also, what is the field "Config URL:" ?
> Where do you see this term being used?

In the TC W.A.M. at
in the table row below "Install" there are
three text input fields:
"Path:   Config URL:   WAR URL: " plus the Install button.


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