On Mon, 12 Aug 2002 22:08:50 -0500, "Jacob Kjome" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> You shouldn't have backslashes when creating a file: protocol URL (although 
> Java seems somewhat forgiving) and you shouldn't be using the jar: protocol 
> for this scenario.  Using the jar: protocol and with the "!" at the end is 
> only if you were going to try to access a resource inside the archive for 
> direct viewing.... What you want is:
> file:///C:/Projects/Crossbar/dist/crossbar.war

Yep, that works, too. So corrections below:

On Tue, 13 Aug 2002 03:12:24 UT, "Daniel Kehoe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Here's how to install a web app using the Tomcat Web Application
> Manager.... After trial and error, here's what works for files in a local Windows
> file system:
> Path: "/crossbar"
Config URL: "file:///C:/Projects/Crossbar/dist/crossbar.xml"
WAR URL: "file:///C:/Projects/Crossbar/dist/crossbar.war"
> The "Path" is the context name you want for the web app, like
> http://localhost:8080/crossbar/.
> The "Config URL" is a path to a file that contains the parameters you
> would otherwise add to the server.xml file (or add to the webapps
> directory as a file "crossbar.xml" under the new TC4.1 scheme).
> The "WAR URL" is the path to the war file. 
It COULD begin with "jar:file://" and end with "!/" but it doesn't have


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