Hi everyone,

        I was suggested on the list to integrate my Tomcat Standalone with
Apache web server due to the large amount of static content of my site.  I
tried doing so, but can't get it to work properly.  Config: Windows 2000,
Tomcat 4.0.3, Apache 1.2.36,  mod_jk.dll connector. I get, testing apache

Syntax error on line 200 of g:/apache group/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Cannot load g:/apache group/apache/modules/mod_jk.dll into server: (126) The
cified module could not be found:

I am sure of NO TYPOS (copy + paste).  mod_jk.dll is in the modules
directory.  Does anyone know of this problem?  Can anyone suggest a better
configuration?  Would another combination of servers work better? 

rgds Pat,

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