On Wednesday, August 28, 2002, 12:24:32 PM, Craig R. McClanahan wrote:

CRM> In answer to Rick's original question, the standard connection pool
CRM> includes a "validationQuery" configuration property.  This is an SQL query
CRM> that the pool will execute before it hands you back a requested
CRM> connection (so it should be something that executes very quickly).

     Craig, Am I doing something wrong with the way I have this added
     to my ResourceParams?

       <value>SELECT 'boguz' FROM DUAL</value>

CRM> If the connection was closed externally (your scenario), this
CRM> query will fail and the pool will throw that connection away and
CRM> give you another one instead.

     That's what I thought should happen as well, but I either I have
     something configured wrong or it's not working correctly, because
     I have the above added validationQuery and yet if the connections
     are killed I no longer am able to get a connection.
     (I get a java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01012: not logged on
     in my error log)

     Thanks so much again




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