
JAVA_HOME and CATALINA_HOME environment variables should *NOT* have a
semicolon in them, just the full path itself (with no spaces...which
means Tomcat should be installed in a path with no spaces like
c:\Tomcat-4.1.10).  The semicolon is used by PATH and CLASSPATH
environment variables to delimit each entry in the respective
variable.  You don't need to worry about that.


Monday, September 09, 2002, 1:05:43 PM, you wrote:

m> My JAVA_HOME on my hope set up is set to:

m>          c:\j2se14

m> bin is at C;\j2se14\bin.  Did you set PATH?  My PATH is set to:

m>          %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program 
m> Files\SecureCRT        3.0;C:\j2se14\bin;%ANT_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin

m> The relevant part for you, clearly, is %JAVA_HOME%\bin.

m> Are you using \ for Win or / for Linux/Unix?

m> Hope this helps.  Boy, you've been at it a while.  I admire your 
m> stick-to-it-ive-ness.

m> Micael

m> At 12:52 PM 9/8/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>>  I STILL need some degree of help/assistance from someone in this 
>> newsgroup re. installing Tomcat!!! That is really a damned SAD thing to 
>> have to say at this late date now, you would think that I could have had 
>> this thing figured out by now! (Maybe I am just flat too DUMB to be a 
>> member of this newsgroup, I don't know!! :) )
>>  Anyway, I think that the "crux" of my problem is that I am editing the 
>> environment variables in System the wrong way!! Do I or do I not leave on 
>> the ; (semi-colon) after the particular path in the JAVA_HOME and 
>> TOMCAT_HOME, etc.? When I try to activate Tomcat in DOS, I always seem to 
>> get an error message saying that the JAVA_HOME variable is either missing 
>> or improperly set. Now, what's up with that anyway?
>>                                          Sincerely Yours,
>>                                              Steve Burrus
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