My oh my, Jake, thank you so much for this most incredible
explanation of the Endorsed mechanism, the differences between
the various versions of Tomcat as well as JDK1.3/1.4.

This is such a valuable body of knowledge, and so well explained,
that I hope it will be archived by many for future reference.

Thanks also for confirming that "stuff you just put on the
classpath won't affect Tomcat at all since it ignores the
system classpath."



>From: Jacob Kjome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>common/endorsed only exists in Tomcat-4.1.x, not 4.0.x.  Also, since you 
>are using JDK1.3.x, there is no concept of the Endorsed Standards Override 
>Mechanism as that was introduced with the release of j2sdk1.4.0.  I imagine 
>that the common/endorsed directory doesn't really act any different than 
>common/lib when running under JDK1.3.x, but when running with j2sdk1.4.x, 
>common/endorsed provides a way to override classes in the JDK itself.  So, 
>if the JDK used an older version of Xerces, you could put a newer version 
>in common/endorsed and it would be used instead of the one that came with 
>the JDK.   That same newer library in common/lib would be ignored as the 
>JDK would take precedence in classloading.
>Putting your classes in $CATALINA_HOME/lib (same as 
>$CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib in Tomcat-4.1.x) or common/lib is the way to go 
>in your setup.  With j2sdk1.4.x, you might think about putting them in 
>common/endorsed which is where the Xerces libraries are in the full version 
>of Tomcat-4.1.x (not the jdk1.4-lite version as it is assumed that the JDK 
>provides those libraries).
>You can permanently add these to your system under j2sdk1.4.x by putting 
>them in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/endorsed.  You will have to create the 
>"endorsed" directory if it isn't there already.  This does the same thing 
>as common/endorsed in Tomcat, only it affects the entire system.
>server/lib is not viable to put your libraries unless they are only for the 
>container's use.  Your app cannot see libraries in that folder.
>As far as affecting Tomat, endorsed stuff will affect it, but stuff you 
>just put on the classpath won't affect Tomcat at all since it ignores the 
>system classpath.

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