hi john, nin, can't get localhost to work. what other information do you need? am 
attaching some files. am using mod_jk now. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Shannon Lal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 2:22 PM
Subject: RE: Question

Ran into the same problem,
Solution is simple just a bit of trial and error.
Can you reference the following URL
This should bring up Tomcat example.  If this works I know the problem is, 
otherwise you ll have to give me more information.

Let me know


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Attachment: httpd.conf
Description: httpd.conf

Attachment: mod_jk.conf-jni
Description: mod_jk.conf-jni

Attachment: workers.properties
Description: workers.properties

Attachment: mod_jk.conf
Description: mod_jk.conf

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

    <!-- You can add a "home" attribute to represent the "base" for 
         all relative paths. If none is set, the TOMCAT_HOME property
         will be used, and if not set "." will be used.
         webapps/, work/ and log/ will be relative to this ( unless 
         set explicitely to absolute paths ).
    <ContextManager workDir="work" >

      <!-- ==================== Global modules ==================== -->
        <LoaderInterceptor11  useApplicationLoader="true" />

        <TrustedLoader />

        <LogSetter name="tc_log" timestamps="true"
		   verbosityLevel="INFORMATION"  />

        <LogEvents enabled="false" />
        <!-- Backward compat: read the Context declarations from server.xml-->
        <ContextXmlReader config="conf/server.xml" />

        <!-- Separated Context -->
        <ContextXmlReader config="conf/apps.xml" />

        <AutoDeploy source="modules" target="modules" 
		    redeploy="true" />

        <AutoWebApp dir="modules" host="DEFAULT" trusted="true"/>

        <AutoDeploy source="webapps" target="webapps" />

        <AutoWebApp dir="webapps" host="DEFAULT" />

        <PolicyLoader securityManagerClass="java.lang.SecurityManager"
		      policyFile="conf/tomcat.policy" />

        <SimpleMapper1 />

        <SessionExpirer checkInterval="60" />
        <!-- For development you can use randomClass="java.util.Random" -->
        <SessionIdGenerator randomClass="java.security.SecureRandom" 
                            randomFile="/dev/urandom" />

        <!-- ========== context processing modules ========== -->

        <!-- This will be the "default" profile 
             ( all except the "global" modules can be set per context )
        <LogSetter name="servlet_log" 
		   verbosityLevel = "INFORMATION"

        <LogSetter  name="JASPER_LOG"
		   verbosityLevel = "INFORMATION"  />

        <WebXmlReader validate="true" />

        <ErrorHandler showDebugInfo="true" />

        <WorkDirSetup cleanWorkDir="false" />

        <Jdk12Interceptor /> 

        <!-- Non-standard invoker, for backward compat. ( /servlet/* ) -->
        <InvokerInterceptor /> 

        <!-- you can add javaCompiler="jikes" -->
        <JspInterceptor keepGenerated="true"
        <StaticInterceptor listings="true"
                           useCharset="locale" />
        <ReloadInterceptor fullReload="true" />

        <SimpleSessionStore maxActiveSessions="-1" />

        <AccessInterceptor />

        <CredentialsInterceptor />

        <SimpleRealm  filename="conf/users/global-users.xml" />

       <!-- UnComment the following and comment out the
            above to get a JDBC realm.
            Other options for driverName: 


            "connectionName" and "connectionPassword" are optional.
            roleNameCol="role_name" />

        <LoadOnStartupInterceptor />

        <Servlet22Interceptor />

        <!-- Tag pooling support.
             To enable the reuse of tag handlers as described in
             the JSP spec, uncomment the following.  If your pages
             use a lot of custom tags, you should see a nice performance
             Note that placing the interceptor here will enable
             Tag pooling for all of the web applicatitions loaded -
             this may be a bad thing if all tags are not coded to
             handle reuse. To enable pooling only for specific web
             applications i.e. Contexts, place the interceptor inside of 
             the Context's definition.
             To view information about tag usage uncomment the tag
             LogSetter. Set verbosityLevel to DEBUG to see everytime
             a tag is obtained and released.
        <LogSetter  name="tag_pool_log" timestamps="true" 
            verbosityLevel="INFORMATION" />

        <TagPoolManagerInterceptor />

        <!-- Request processing -->

        <DecodeInterceptor /> 

        <!-- If you are running SSL and wish to verify Tomcat sessions 
             against SSL sessions, use checkSSLSessionId="true"
             Default is checkSSLSessionId="false" -->
        <SessionId cookiesFirst="true" noCookies="false" /> 

        <!-- Automatic config generation
             Set noRoot="false" if you wish to have Tomcat try to take
               control of the external web server's root context.
               Additonal configuration of the external web server may be
               required for this to be successful.
             Note: Configuration files are not written as part of the
               default startup behvior.  Append "jkconf" to the startup
               command to have Tomcat initialize, write the config files,
               then exit. This may be done while Tomcat is running.
        <ApacheConfig noRoot="true" />
        <IISConfig noRoot="true" />
        <NSConfig noRoot="true" />

         <!-- Uncoment for apache-style logs 
              Attributes: logFile, flush, format
      <!-- ==================== Connectors ==================== -->

       <!-- new http adapter. Attributes:
               secure - use SSL ( https )
               keystore, keypass - certs for SSL
               reportedname - Server name to send back to browser
                              by default report Tomcat Web Server ...
                              set an empty string to avoid sending server header 
        <Http10Connector   port="8080" 
			   minSpareThreads="10" />

            Uncomment this for SSL support. You _need_ to set up a
            server certificate if you want this to work, and you
            need JSSE. See tomcat-ssl-howto.html for more detailed

            1. Make the JSSE jars available to Tomcat, either by making
               them an installed extension or by adding them to the
               Tomcat CLASSPATH.
            2. Do: keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA
               RSA is essential to work with Netscape and IIS.
               Use "changeit" as password. ( or add keypass attribute )
               You don't need to sign the certificate.
        <Http10Connector  port="8443" secure="true" />

             JNI connector. It assumes the library is located in 
             TOMCAT_HOME/bin/native/jni_connect.[dll, nlm, so]. or in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
             For different paths set "nativeLibrary" parameter.

             The JniConnector will be self-enable only if JNI mode is detected.
        <JniConnector /> 

        <!-- Apache AJP12 support. This is also used to shut down tomcat.
             Parameter "address" defines network interface this Interceptor
             "binds" to. Add it if you want to "bind" to just "".
             Parameter "tomcatAuthentication", controls if Tomcat honors 
             ( and uses ) auth done in HTTP Server or not, when true Tomcat does 
             not use in any way auth information provided by the HTTP Server. 
             true is the default. 
        <Ajp12Connector	 port="8007" />

        <!-- Apache AJP13 support (mod_jk)
             Parameter "address" defines network interface this Interceptor
             "binds" to. Add it if you want to "bind" to just "".


             Parameter "tomcatAuthentication", controls if Tomcat honors 
             ( and uses ) auth done in HTTP Server or not, when true Tomcat does 
             not use in any way auth information provided by the HTTP Server. 
             true is the default. 

        <Ajp13Connector port="8009" />

           Context definitions can be placed here ( not recommended ) or 
           in separate files. The ContextXmlReader will read all context
           definitions ( you can customize the "base" filename ). 
           The default is conf/apps-[name].xml.
           See conf/apps-examples.xml and conf/apps-admin.xml  

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