I've actually gone through that book. It was my introduction to JSP and at
the end of the book, STRUTS.  It's been a life saver.

Regarding your problem:
Did you install the begjsp-ch01 context using the manager app or by shutting
down and then restarting tomcat?

Welcome to JSP,


-----Original Message-----
From: rdevine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2002 10:32 AM
Subject: Unable to get JSP to run - Tomcat 4.0.6

Hello all.  I'm not sure this is the right place to ask but being new to
JSP I'll give it a shot and thanks in advance for any help you can

I am running winXP - Home.  jdk1.3.1_02
Installed tomcat4.0.6 without any problems.  Changed config as follows :
    JAVA_HOME = c:\jdk1.3.1_02
    CATALINA_HOME = c:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.6
    CLASSPATH = c:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.6\common\lib\servlet.jar;.
    PATH = added to existing path c:jdk1.3.1_02

http://localhost:8080/index.html gives me the Tomcat page.  I am able to
execute the JSP examples without problem.

When I create my own .jsp file (simple one) in
c:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.6\webapps\begjsp-ch01\index.jsp, set the address
to http://localhost:8080/begjsp-ch01/index.jsp  I receive the error
message :

404 - webapps/index.jsp
  type Status report

 message /webapps/indx.jsp

 description The requested resource (/webapps/indx.jsp) is not

JSP/HTML code -



<title>My First JSP</title>



Hello World!<br>

the current date and time is <%= new java.util.Date() %>



I have checked and double, triple checked all spellings, syntax in the
.jsp file and the config settings and cannot find anything different
from what is in the text I am using (on my own, Beginning JSP Web
Development - WROX.)  Java has been working fine since the beginning of
the year.

Any suggestions will be GREATLY appreciated as I am at a standstill.

Bob Devine

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