Just have the following in the context of your webapp  (in server.xml)
 <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" 
Hope it helps

> -----Original Message-----
> From: neal [mailto:nealcabage@;yahoo.com] 
> Sent: 30. október 2002 11:15
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Tomcat standalone - traffic logs???
> I'm using Tomcat Standalone and I would like to be able to 
> process my logs to determine traffic trends on my site. I 
> have webalizer and can use it to parse the logs.
> The problem though, is that I was looking at the logs being 
> generated form tomcat and these logs don't seem to have any 
> traffic info in them.  The have info such as what happened 
> when the server started, etc ... but I'm not seeing each page 
> request being logged.  And, I'm not seeing IP addresses 
> (which I presume is needed to determine unique users) being logged.
> Anyone know how to setup tomcat standalone logs to provide 
> the information, and to do so cleanly so that the info can be 
> consumer by Webalizer?
> Thanks!
> Neal
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