Performance tip - keep resolveHosts="false".

Otherwise your server will attempt to resolve all incoming addresses to their hostname. But on an intranet - this might not be much of an issue.


Reynir Hübner wrote:
Just have the following in the context of your webapp (in server.xml)
: <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" resolveHosts="true" directory="C:/logdir/" prefix="access_log." suffix=".txt" pattern="common"/>
Hope it helps

-----Original Message-----
From: neal [mailto:nealcabage@;] Sent: 30. október 2002 11:15
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Tomcat standalone - traffic logs???

I'm using Tomcat Standalone and I would like to be able to process my logs to determine traffic trends on my site. I have webalizer and can use it to parse the logs.

The problem though, is that I was looking at the logs being generated form tomcat and these logs don't seem to have any traffic info in them. The have info such as what happened when the server started, etc ... but I'm not seeing each page request being logged. And, I'm not seeing IP addresses (which I presume is needed to determine unique users) being logged.

Anyone know how to setup tomcat standalone logs to provide the information, and to do so cleanly so that the info can be consumer by Webalizer?


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