> Just a couple of things to add:
> 1. I suspect, but don't know for sure, that isSecure() (and
>    getScheme()) should work correctly even with forwards/redirects as
>    well.   Of course, if you found that isSecure() doesn't work with
>    basic https, as apparently is the case above, the problem is not
>    restricted to forwards/redirects.

Haven't had a chance to test this yet, only got 'isSecure()' working a few
minutes ago - although I also suspect it would work just fine.  I'll post
more info regarding this when I have an answer though.

> 2. Some other people reported this mis-behavior, and at least one
>    person said/suggested that it's a bug with the Coyote AJP
>    connector.  Which connector are you using?  If it's the Coyote AJP
>    connector, that adds confirmation to this possibility.  I don't
>    know that it's yet been fixed, or that there's a workaround, other
>    than using the Ajp13Connector.

It appears that the Coyote AJP connector _does_ have a bug.  Up until a few
minutes ago, I was using the connector that is enabled by default in Tomcat
4.1.12 - namely 'org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector'.  I'm using
pretty much the default 'server.xml' with just enough changes to make my
particular environment work - it's still a development box...

Just a minute ago I commented out the default connector and added a section
for the 'org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector' connector, and suddenly
isSecure() started reflecting reality.  Note: I used the information from
http://www.tek-tips.com/gfaqs.cfm/pid/877/fid/1815 as a 'HowTo'.  FWIW, I
don't even _have_ a 'clientAuth' section - it doesn't appear to affect this

One additional thing I noticed, 'JMX MBeans' pukes when Tomcat starts with
the CoyoteConnector commented out, and the Ajp13Connector enabled.  It seems
there isn't a 'ManagedBean' in the Ajp13Connector.  I don't curretnly use
MBeans anyhow, so I commented this out also.

I'll post more about how to do all this once I have connected all the dots.
Chris Parker
Health Care Services Division
California Youth Authority

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