Judging from the logfile, your machine cannot resolve the name "localhost".

Make sure there is an entry in your hosts file for localhost pointing to

To answer your question, yes, an AddModule line typically says something
like "module-name.c".  Modules are written in C...your .so file started out
as a .c file. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Jdev
Sent: 11/10/02 7:56 PM
Subject: Help with simple mod_jk conf

Hello to all. I need urgent help configuring Tomcat 4.1.x with apache 
1.3 using mod_jk.
I read all the doc and I have very simple config. Attached there are my 
mod_jk.conf included in the http.conf and my workers.properties.
The problem is Internal Server Error when I try to get a jsp page 
without the :8080
I don't undertand the problem.
I have included also the relevant part of my mod_jk.log:

Another thing not clear for me is the Addmodule mod_jk.c directives: I 
don't have a file named mod_jk.c I have only mod_jk-1.3-eapi.so? Is this

All the path in my conf should be right

I hope someone have the time to check with me! Please :-)
ty very much

[Sat Nov 09 15:15:09 2002]  [jk_ajp_common.c (1232)]: In 
resolve failed
[Sat Nov 09 15:15:09 2002]  [jk_ajp_common.c (1234)]: In 
Error locahost 8009
[Sat Nov 09 15:15:09 2002]  [jk_worker.c (174)]: wc_create_worker 
validate faile
d for worker1
[Sat Nov 09 15:15:09 2002]  [jk_worker.c (244)]: build_worker_map failed

to crea
te workerworker1
[Sat Nov 09 15:15:09 2002]  [jk_ajp_common.c (1232)]: In 
resolve failed
[Sat Nov 09 15:15:09 2002]  [jk_ajp_common.c (1234)]: In 
Error locahost 8009
[Sat Nov 09 15:15:09 2002]  [jk_worker.c (174)]: wc_create_worker 
validate faile
d for worker1
[Sat Nov 09 15:15:09 2002]  [jk_worker.c (244)]: build_worker_map failed

to crea
te workerworker1

 <<mod_jk.log>>  <<mod_jk.conf>>  <<workers.properties>>  

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