I don't think that's the issue.  My httpd.conf has the following, inside a
VirtualHost tag, for the url http://virtualhost/myApp:

<Directory "/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12/webapps/myApp">
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        DirectoryIndex index.jsp index.html index.htm

JkMount /myApp/*.jsp  ajp13
JkMount /myApp/servlet/*  ajp13
There definitely is an index.jsp file in that folder, and its a folder that
Apache knows about, because it's in the Directory tag, and
http://virtualhost/myApp/index.jsp is working on port 80.

Apache does not serve index.jsp, nor does it direct requests to Tomcat
unless you specifically put index.jsp on the URL.  If there's an Apache tag
or directive that I'm missing that would change this behavior, I'd love to
know what it is, the salespeople here are on my back all the time about not
being able to specify the URL without index.jsp on the end.

Perhaps putting the JkMounts before the Directory tag would change the


> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Wall [mailto:d.wall@;computer.org]
> Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 2:03 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Apache Index page jsp and sessionid with JKMount *.jsp
> > I have DirectoryIndex set to index.jsp.  My Apache has mod_dir.
> >
> > Calling a directory mapped to Tomcat (such as /myApp) with
> > http://localhost/myApp doesn't return anything, definitely not
> > index.jsp.
> > This is on 4.0.4 and 4.1.12.
> One problem is that for this to work is that Apache has to "see" an
> index.jsp in your myApp directory.  Put an empty version of 
> that file (or
> touch index.jsp if using Unix/Linux) in and then Apache will 
> see that the
> index file exists and will then attempt to serve it, but then 
> note the .jsp
> suffix so it then passes it back to Tomcat.
> David
> --
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