You're fine so far.

The location of the xercesImpl.jar is fine for all jsp's that reside in
your ROOT webapp ie: everything that lives in the root of your Tomcat

To parse the xml you'd ordinarily be trying to use a Servlet or a Bean
to get the processing off the JSP page which should be used only for
presentation of the finished results (as much as possible, best of all
poss worlds etc).

This article should point you in the right direction.


Tref Gare
Development Consultant
Level 19/114 William St, Melbourne VIC 3000
phone: +61 3 9642 5553
fax: +61 3 9642 1335
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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, 20 November 2002 4:34 PM
Subject: XML parser

     In my effort to parse an XML file and pull out data from it's 
elements where I may maninpulate them, I have downloaded the Xerces.ZIP 
(which incidentally is 4.8 MB - expanded to 22!), extracted it to 
webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/lib/. Is this the correct location? If not, where 
should it reside? Looking at the rest of the documentation I cannot
any syntax simple enough to what I want to do.
        What I want to do is (real simple now!), I have an XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?> 
        <a_tag>1st selection</a_tag>
        <a_tag>2nd selection</a_tag>

in a JSP I want to parse the file, iterate through it extracting the 
element values. Perhaps storing them in a array. 
        So I have 3 factors here, the one (desired) not present in this 
email being the JSP syntax to parse and get hold of the data. Ie:

<%@ page language="java" %>


parse and acquire contents of a_tag



I am obviously simplifying as much as possible here. Again, all input 




Yep and yep

For usage in Tomcat the process of "installation" is just as you say..
manually copy the jar file into either your webapps lib folder or into
the global lib folder so that all your different webapps can access it.
Generally it's advisable to copy it into your webapp's lib folder as
this makes your webapp deployable as a standalone application (ie: no
external dependencies).

<yep 2> the full download includes files documentation (yep, pretty much
the website docs but available offline), jar files and demos for a wide
range of applications. Mind you mine (2.2.0) is only 4.8 meg.. not 22 so
I can't say for sure that you haven't got hold of something extra as

It's then a case of finding out what to do with the thing you've now got
access to.  To look into that further, have a look at the different
demos provided and see if they give you what you want.

If you find yourself still struggling a more specific question about
what you're trying to achieve and where it's going wrong may evoke a
more useful response.




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