Yes, I have been able to do that.

When you say that Tomcat "doesn't automatically recognize the file in its
classpath", how do you know that?  And when you "hard code it in /bin/" and it "sees it", does your DataSource config now work?

If not, then there is a config problem.  You'll have to post your configuration in order to flesh that issue out.

One hint, make sure to use "username" and not "user" for DBCP configuration.  Attached is the DBCP config I use for your reference.


At 10:38 PM 12/7/2002 -0500, you wrote:
I've done this.
I renamed zip to jar. put it in /common/lib.
When I bounce doesn't automatically recognize the file in its
classpath, so I hard code it in /bin/, then it sees it.

I've set this up before. I have no problems setting this up with tomcat
4.0.X. It works like a charm. I've had the problem with 4.1.12 and not

I was working with someone on the Apache Bug database (is that the
tomcat-dev mailing list?). We didn't get anywhere.

So that's why I was wondering if there has been anyone who has successfully
able to hook up tomcat 4.1.12, DBCP and Oracle.
Were you able to do it?

thank you for your's greatly appreciated.

~ Troy Campano ~

-----Original Message-----
From: Jacob Kjome
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: 12/7/02 2:57 PM
Subject: RE: Tomcat 4.1, DBCP and Oracle

1.  Rename to classes12.jar.  You don't have to repackage
classes, simply rename the file.
2.  Put classes12.jar in CATALINA_HOME/common/lib.  That is the *only*
place it can go because both the server and the application require
to it.  Libraries under the common (jars in /lib or /endorsed and class
files in /classes) directory are seen by both the appserver and webapps
unlike stuff under /shared or stuff under /server.

Then follow the docs for configuration:


At 12:45 PM 12/7/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Oh yeah...the error I get is:
>java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'null'
>~ t r o y ~
> >  -----Original Message-----
> > From:         Campano, Troy
> > Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2002 12:44 PM
> > Subject:      Tomcat 4.1, DBCP and Oracle
> >
> > Has anyone been able to get Tomcat 4.1.12 or Tomcat 4.1.16 working
> DBCP and Oracle (
> > I've tried a billion combinations of configurations and nothing
> >
> > I've see other people on the web have also had this problem.
> > I've tried for months to figure this out and I've opened bug cases,
> nothing seems to work.
> >
> > Anyone able to do it?
> >
> > thank you!
> >
> > ~ Troy Campano ~

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