Siobhan Quigley writes:
I have installed the Java SDK and Tomcat 4.1.12 (release version). I have set the JAVA_HOME and the
CATALINA_HOME variables and did the ECHO test. When I try to start up Tomcat, I type
C:\Tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12\bin\startup.bat but I get an error message saying it can not
find the path specified.
What do I need to type to (a) start the application and (b) shut down the
application.? (I am a complete beginner)
Thanks for your help

Hello rocket, since u did not specify more info like: type and version of: os, jdk under ur %JAVA_HOME%, dev environment (command-line?) etc. i assume u mean a windoz system. so, does %CATALINA_HOME%\bin resolve to: C:\Tomcat\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.12\bin? if not, that is ur problem. hope, this helps, david.

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