Notice that I didn't ask a question JOEL BERGMAN (are you a Jakarta
developer).  I simply chimed in when someone else expressed
dissatisfaction with this list.  I have been disappointed and
frustrated by the **** that is called documentation.  I stopped
trying to get tomcat to work properly over a year ago.  Recently I
looked into it again, and noticed little to no improvement.

Note that my background is technical, with over twenty years of
building commercial quality software.  I don't believe in a lot of
pie-in-the-sky ideals in terms of software development.  I rate
software on three important criteria: does it do what it is intended,
can it be used easily, and is it maintainable.

In terms of tomcat, I give it a grade of incomplete on all three of
the above.  I can not tell if it does what its supposed to because I
can't get it to work with a reasonable amount of effort.

Here if my contribution to Jarkata and people looking for a low cost
Java solution.  Use JRUN (discalimer: I am not affiliated with
Macromedia in any way).  It is under $1000 and includes a full J2EE
implementation (JSP, servlets, EJB).  It looks like the installer
does all the stuff that mod_jk, mod_jk2, and mod_web are supposed to
(if anyone could get them to work).  A development version is
available for free.


 > -----Original Message-----
 From: Mike DiChiappari [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 4:37 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: I donīt understand the objective of this open list !

 I know the reason for this list - at least as it applies to Jakarta.
 It is meant to address the complete lack of adequate documentation
 for tomcat.
Are you volunteering to write some, Mike DiChiappari?  That is how things
get done: someone DOES them.

If you don't know enough, you could skim the mailing list looking for
questions, finding out when they were answered to the questioner's
satisfaction, and using that as your source material.

Or do you just want answers to YOUR questions?

	--- Noel

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