Thanks for the quick response.  Here are my responses:

> - Tomcat's conf web.xml sets the default session-timeout (in
> session-config element) to use for all web apps.
That makes sense to me but the setting in my $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml is
set to 30 mins which to me says that Tomcat is not using it.

> - You can specify a different session-timeout in each specific web app you
> deploy in the web app's WEB-INF/web.xml file.
I haven't created a web.xml for my app...should I?  I tried copying the
$CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml over to my app's WEB-INF directory and changing
the session-timeout setting to 120 mins to see if it worked.  The problem
was that my app totally stopped working; I couldn't even get my main login
page to display.  This says to me that there is a lot more involved in
creating a web.xml than just copying it over from the conf directory.  But
realistically I don't really want to create one just for my app; my app is
and will be the only app on my server.  I would rather try to get Tomcat to
use the setting in the conf/web.xml file.

> - This session timeout can still be overridden in application code using
> the session.setMaxInactiveInterval method.
I have no qualms about putting this in my code but not quite sure how to use
it.  Would I fetch the session ID and then call this method and it would
keep from resetting the session ID the next time I go to check it.  I guess
my question mainly is would I call this method once upon login to my app and
from then on every other page would use the timeout that the method call

Thanks so much for the info.

----- Original Message -----
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 20, 2002 9:34 AM
Subject: Re: Session timeout setting (URGENT)

> Hi, Kenny.
>         I think this is basically how it works:
> - Tomcat's conf web.xml sets the default session-timeout (in
> session-config element) to use for all web apps.
> - You can specify a different session-timeout in each specific web app you
> deploy in the web app's WEB-INF/web.xml file.
> - This session timeout can still be overridden in application code using
> the session.setMaxInactiveInterval method.
>         I hope this helps you find the problem.
> -Jeff
> "Kenny G. Dubuisson, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 12/20/02 09:05 AM
> Please respond to "Tomcat Users List"
>         To:     "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>         cc:
>         Subject:        Re: Session timeout setting (URGENT)
> Simple minded as I am, I still believe with everything I have that there
> MUST be a setting in Tomcat that controls how often new session ID's are
> generated.  If I have a simple page that does nothing but a
> "session.getId()" and it returns a new session ID every 60 mins, there
> must
> be something in Tomcat that sets this interval.  Obviously this setting is
> missing from my config files so that Tomcat uses it's default.  Has no one
> ever wanted to change this setting before?  I hate to sound beligerent but
> I've authored and released what I feel to be a very nice application/web
> site but the only feedback I'm getting is litterally users screaming at me
> because I haven't fixed this yet.  I'm going to have to start looking at
> redesigning the login/verification process on every page (not a big site
> but
> still 20K of code) to work around this issue when I feel it has to be a
> simple setting.
> If someone could answer this I'll give you my first born, send expensive
> Christmas presents, lend you my wife.  Thanking / Praising you in advance,
> Kenny
> --
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