David Orriss Jr wrote:


Say, don't I know you?  ;)

Yeah, small world, huh...<G>

John Turner answered this exact same question for me...

If you're using Ajp13Connector, comment out (disable) the lines in
server.xml having to do with MBeans.


I have two machines I'm setting up.. both have RH8 both have the same version of Apache, both the same verions of Tomcat and connectors. AND both the same configuration settings.. One works, the other has this error.. The one that is working does NOT have the mBeans lines commented and is using the Ajp13Connector as per the HowTo.. That is why I thought I had missed something when setting up the second machine...

I'm confused....<sigh>

Actually what we found was there were typos in the server.xml and workers.properties file.


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