> Hopefully someone who understands your questions will reply!!  :)  As I
> said, nitty-gritty development stuff is out of my range at the moment, I
> only know the basics...Hello World type stuff.  Most of my days are
> spent on the admin side.
> John

Well I might be able to give a philosphical insight as why this changed

1. No need to EXTRA resource usage.
2. Finite control of what IS and ISN'T loaded
   - maybe you have classes under WEB-INF/classes that are not servlets,
     if so tomcat needs to distinguish between the 2 and only give access
     to those that are servlets, and it because a big mess.

This is just a couple of thoughts on why I think they made the change,
its a pain in the but, but I guess we have to deal w/ it.

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