
I'm looking for a Database, that can do 
- sql transactions,  
  (or anything similiar to sql - if it works with a xml
  database, xml is fine)
- has a java 1.4.1 jdbc driver
- is free (even better if for commercial use)

'Mysql' was my first option, but it does not have transactions.

In an _old_ computer magazine i found 'instantdb' but this one
seems to be discontinued.

The database tables i want to create, are only for one application.
So a client server system or connection pooling are not neccessary.

If someone knows what 'instantdb' is, its features seem to be enough.
Anything additional is good.

But i think the 'free' statement reduces the return results to '0'. :(


Jens Skripczynski
E-Mail: skripi(at)myrealbox(dot)com

In this world there are only two tragedies; one is not getting
what one wants, the other is getting it.
                                  -- Oscar Wild

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