Hello All,
        I have beening messing with trying to get apache2 with tomcat4
working together with SSL for a while now.  I can get them to talk to each
other and handle jsps but never with SSL.  So I thought I would start from
the beginning.  So I used
http://www.galatea.com/flashguides/tomcat-ssl-4-win32.xml and I seem to be
getting no error messages.  I wanted to say I think this is a bit outdate
since I don't have org.apache.catalina.net.SSLServerSocketFactory anywhere
in the server.xml file.  I used the command prompt and started catalina.
Seems to run ok, no errors.  I hit http://localhost:8443 and all I get are 5
squares in the upper left hand corner. No splash page.  Any hints would be
greatly appreciated.  

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