Okie dokie !..
Send me the following information ...

Context path ( the URL ) the directory ( full path ) you want to put your
jsp/servlets ....
Your OS ( UNIX / WINDOWS / LINUX ) ...

Then I can help .....


-----Original Message-----
From: Hunter, Sandra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 17 March 2003 21:00
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: Server.xml

Frustration abounds:
I am plodding through a tomcat tutorial and it suggests modifying the
Server.xml file to include a new context path line to allow for playing with
a sample file.
Everything works tickety boo until I do that, then Tomcat won't startup at
all. When I enter the startup command I just get a really brief flash of
screen and poof! It's gone again.
When I take the new line out of the server.xml file the problem persists:
poof! Gone.
That is the only change I make.
Any thoughts?

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