I've been adding more logging to the SSL components in TC 5.x (at DEBUG or
TRACE level, so it doesn't show up unless you ask :).  Some of that will
likely find its way back into future versions of TC 4.1.x.  At the moment,
yes, the logging of errors (especially ones that could be config related) is
pretty sparse.

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Cosmin
> I was stuck on the same issue for sometime. Then I realised that I had not
> put the jsse jar in the classpath. So I copied the 3 jars - jsse.jar,
> jnet.jar, jcert.jar into %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\ext. After that the problem
> went away.
> However, I would like to understand how I can configure tomcat to see the
> logs. When I was getting I didn't find an easy way to figure out why the
> error was coming.
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