Hi there,

New to the list, but with a hopefully simple question to answer.

I'm currently trying to integrate Apache 1.3.6 and Tomcat 4.0.6 on a Solaris
Unix box and have been following the instructions in the usual howto's on
the jakarta site. However, there are several references to the automatically
generated "tomcat-apache.conf" file. According to the instructions this
should appear in the $CATALINA_HOME/conf directory...unfortunately in my
case, it isn't.

Tomcat is up and running in standalone mode with no problems, however the
.conf file is not being produced. There wasn't a $CATALINA_HOME/conf/auto
directory (that I saw being referred to in one message) so I created on in
the hope that Tomcat would write out to it, but no luck this way either.

Can anyone shed any light on why the tomcat-apache.conf file would not be
produced even although Tomcat is running fine.


Kevin Thomas 
Technical Analyst 
Technical Authority, Deregulated Applications
Utilities Group, SAIC Ltd. 
5 Redwood Place 
Peel Park 
East Kilbride 
G74 5PB 
Tel: 013558 45260 ( 708 5260 internal ) 
web: http://www.saic.com 

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