Hi all!

Sorry for my first post to the mailing list that is a question and not an
answer. But I have to go in production in about two weeks and have haevy
problems in connecting apache 2 with tomcat 4.

I have the configuration as subject on my Win 2K Server. I use Apache 2 on
Port 80 to serve the static content and mod_jk2 over AJP13 on Port 8010
installed as Apache module to serve the dynamic content. A JBoss appserver
is running on port 8009. Tomcat is listening on port  8010 to serve the
Cocoon 2 servlet.

To test the connection I tried the example webapps delivered with Tomcat.
The code was processed very (!) fast. But if I try the same with the Cocoon
servlet the performance is scaring.

I've crasy error messages in the apache logs. The errors appears in both
cases. something like the following is printed out after the second request
that is routed to tomcat:

[error] ChannelSocket.receive(): Error receiving message body -1 0
[error] workerEnv.processCallbacks() Error reading reply
[error] ajp13.service() ajpGetReply recoverable error 120000

And so on. But the Apache 2 is receiving a response from tomcat. My own
webapp delivers it with a scaring performance.

Also the Tomcat logs throw errors. stderror.log contains something like this
after the second request:

[INFO] JKMain - -Jk running ID=0 time=0/15
[INFO] ChannelSocket - -Connection timeout reached
[INFO] ChannelSocket - -Connection timeout reached
[INFO] ChannelSocket - -Connection timeout reached

Anybody there with the same experience? Help me please! By the way the
problem even appears when jboss is not running, so the port binding seems to
be not the problem.



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