I'm no Windows server admin, I'm not acquainted with the finer details of Windows services. If they're not needed, I stand corrected. My intent was to encourage the original poster to consider the functionality Tomcat has by default to achieve his goal, not to render an authoritative answer on how Windows services work.

For fun I will test on XP Pro in the next week or so by deleting JAVA_HOME and CATALINA_HOME environment variables and then seeing if the service will start. If so, those are two fewer things I need to do when installing and I will update my HOWTO accordingly.


John Corrigan wrote:

I'm not disputing that changing the classpath is probably not the best
option.  I do disagree with your assertion that environment variables are
referenced when Tomcat is ran as a service under Windows NT/2K/XP.  When
Tomcat is ran as a service, the scripts are not used (as a test, remove
them.)  Furthermore, when ran as a service, the environment variables do not
need to be defined, and are not automatically defined by the installation
script -- instead, the registry parameters are created.  While I have not
specifically tested setting the classpath with environment variables, I did
find that setting JVM options that way does not work.

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