At Monday 29 April 2013 01:11:46 DaB. wrote:
> On 04/28/2013 04:42 PM, Maarten Dammers wrote:
> > I tried labs and I hate it, if someone tries to force it on my now I'll
> > just shut down my tools and leave.
> Even more useful would be a list of actual issues you've encountered, so
> that we may address them in the future.

Even more useful would have been a "We improved since last time, please come 
and check again".

> That said, "far from ready" is neither fair nor very accurate; unless
> your tool requires access to the database dumps - which are coming - the
> tools project /is/ ready and quite functional; and there are already
> several tools running there.

Until now I never found a tool-labs-URL in the wild. Is there a list of what 
you are hosting?

> -- Marc


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