
Do the 160 verticals with 4 radials elevated at 20 feet, individually outperform the other vertical with 60 radials on the ground ?


On 12/15/15 3:02 PM, Jim Brown wrote:
On Tue,12/15/2015 2:22 PM, Tom W8JI wrote:
Virtually zero QRP stations I've worked were using exceptional antennas. As a matter of fact they very rarely have fairly good antennas, like 1/4 wave verticals or inverted L's with large ground systems out in the clear.

Perhaps I'm an exception. I can switch between three 160M verticals, two of which are a quarter wave with 4 radials elevated 20 ft, and one that's a 100 ft Tee with 60 on-ground radials. All three have a passive reflector that provides about 2 dB of gain.

I am equally frustrated with guys running 20W JT65 into a wet string with a mediocre decoder because "it's a QRP mode."

73, Jim K9YC

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