
I don't comment much but I would like to relate a lesson from early in my life. The kid across the street would bring his ball and bat over to our farm and we (I am in a *large* family) played baseball all summer. There was no such thing as softball even though thats what we used. The neighbor boy decided that since it was his ball and bat he should be allowed some indefinite number of strikes. Oy. We refused. He told us "Okay then I am taking *my* ball and bat and going home." He stormed out of our back yard. Next day we were out there playing with our own ball and bat. It took him about five minutes to come over and ask if he could play with us :) Nobody ever mentioned his attitude from the previous day. I think we all learned something from that. It applies to this very day. Dennis hit it pretty close on this one. Nobody with an attitude is going to punish us by taking their ball and bat home with them. It just won't play out that way.


Bill  KU8H

On 09/04/2018 03:30 PM, Dennis OConnor via Topband wrote:
Well, I have been gone a few years (spent time partially paralyzed and few 
other minor impediments) but when I come back nothing has changed.
Yeah, Tom headed off into the distance. He sure did like to argue. What made 
those arguing with him go ballistic is he is often/mostly right on technical 
subjects. He just did not have the ability to shrug, decide the other guy was 
an idiot and let it go.
What I do notice about leavers is they seem to feel sorry for themselves, feel 
they are abused, yadda yadda. Unless you have the stature of a Tom you won't 
even be mentioned by two weeks from now so feeling Noble is a waste of emotion.
I participate in a few forums, ham antennas, contesting, boating, aircraft, 
photography, farming, astronomy, etc. I have lots of hobbies - remember, he who 
dies with the most wins.. I can tell you from long long experience that to be 
in any hobby forum you need to grow a thick skin. If someone really irritates 
you, don't read him.

If you have had your say and he keeps coming back at you and digging, just drop 
it. Refuse to post any further on the topic. If you can't control yourself then 
block the thread. Let him declare victory, hold a parade, and sail for home. 
That is how the self declared winners of any war end it.In my case I don't know 
what the hoo-haa over millennials (whatever the hell they are) is about, don't 
care, don't want to know, and not gonna look up the thread. See, I don't have 
any stress
(I cause it)

To the OP on this issue, I urge you to stick around because I like to see any 
and all opinions - but if not, don't let the door knob do ya.And NO, I will not 
be looking back at this thread to see a reply. I have had my say and that's it.

Ciao,Look for me on topband in 4 to 6 weeks when I get the soybeans combined 
and the broken antenna junk patched up (wow is it wrecked after 8 years) I'm CW 
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