Hello Anton, 

One elevated wire will work, more than one will work much better. 

Elevated wires must be near resonant length, a good starting point 
is to make your wire about 125 feet (38 meters) long 

Good luck! 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Anton Moehammad via Topband" <topband@contesting.com> 
To: topband@contesting.com 
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2019 3:07:07 AM 
Subject: Topband: elevated radial 

Hello All,I wondering if You can give me advice about some unclear thing for my 
second attempt 160m antenna. I can put a vertical antenna but unfortunately 
there is no way I can lay down my ground in or on the ground the best I can is 
put the ground wire at least 3m above average ground because its an corn field, 
is there anything I need to worry or pay attention about it ?with my 80m 
inverted V antenna my S meter go as high as S9 for 160m. any advice. I live in 
YB land and this is my second attempt to be on air on 160 any advice will 
thank You. 
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