On 12/9/2020 8:51 PM, wi6x...@gmail.com wrote:
The radials as modeled have End1 Ground connection and no End 2 connection. 
Should they be connected to another wire?

To model radials, we must use Real High Accuracy Ground, with NO connection to Ground. Read the EZNEC manual carefully about that. With Real High Accuracy Ground, no connection to it is permitted.

HOWEVER -- if you're going to simply try to put as much copper on the ground as possible (which I recommend), don't bother to model radials, use the Mini-NEC Ground, connect the bottom of the antenna to Ground (you can with MiniNEC), and put the generator in the bottom segment. 15 on an FCC map is pretty good ground. Unless someone (like Frank) gives you better advice, I'd use Pastoral, Med Hills when you right click in the Ground Description tab.

More copper on the ground will reduce the resistive component of the feedpoint Z. If your rig will put full power into the feedline, I'd stop there. 1.4:1 is plenty good for SWR, especially with such a short feedline on 160M, but more copper on the ground will make you a few dB louder. :)

73, Jim K9YC

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