IMHO, for that number, on-the-ground radials do not need to be anywhere near that long.  Personally, I subscribe to the same-length-as-the-vertical guideline.

My inverted-L is 55 feet of vertical tubing plus the horizontal wire.  My insulated, on the ground radials are 55.5 feet (9 radials out of a 500 ft roll of wire). By serendipity, measuring one radial against all of the rest with a VNWA it is resonant at 1.84 MHz.  To be fair, I still have fewer radials than planned (18 vs. 36) in which case, shorter is actually better according to Belrose and Severns (

Wes  N7WS

On 12/9/2020 7:00 PM, Raymond Benny wrote:
If your vertical is ground mounted you need alot [sic] more. I'd say atleast 36
radials, 135ft long. It will make a big difference in your signal and be
easier to match.

I have over 100 radials but probably an over kill, but I feel I have a good
signal on 160m.


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